Nicky McHale - Regional Sales Manager working within our Sales Team
Five years ago I applied for a job vacancy through Venatu Recruitment Group...
In the course of the interview I was asked if I ever considered a career in recruitment. The job role sounded exciting, and so did the variety of different tasks so I took the job. I quickly discovered that I had a passion for helping others find meaningful employment whilst gaining knowledge about the recruitment industry, the recruitment process, and how to identify and match great talent with fantastic vacancies.
During my time in this position, I was promoted to Industrial Branch Manager where I became involved in responsibilities ranging from client relations to managing a team of consultants. It was very clear I had the ability to identify opportunities for growth, develop successful relationships with customers, and implement innovative processes optimising sales, so I am now in the position of Regional Sales Manager.
Still to this very day I wake up and love going to work. I’ve never had a day when I look at the clock and think, is it home time yet!!With the right attitude and knowledge, working for a recruitment company is a very satisfying and rewarding career.